Spiritual Science – the beginning

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Spiritual Science – the beginning

Before the Beginning

Where there is a ‘beginning’ there must also be a ‘before the beginning’. When we use the word, ‘beginning’ we are referring to a starting point where a change occurs.

For something to change it must become different from what it was before the change. Every change is a new beginning, where what was becomes new and different. Can you think of anything that has not been in a constant state of change?

The Universe had a beginning, the world had a beginning, even your life had a beginning, and all of these things have been in a constant state of change.

Every beginning is an event. History is the study of past events. History begins with the first event. In other words, the first change. Nothing changes without something causing the change. This is the law of cause and effect.

Time is not dependent on the awareness of it, because awareness is the sensing of change. In other words, if nothing was in a state of change, there would be nothing to be aware of.

Time began with the first change, and so time itself had a beginning.

Where there is an after, there is always a before, and so we will travel back into the past on an incredible and fascinating journey of discovery, in search of what there was before the beginning when all was set in motion.

The Substance of Reality

How do we know what is real and what is not real?

A materialistic person would reason that only the things that can be detected by the physical senses are real, and that reality is confined within the Universe. They determine that spiritual things are not real because they have no substance, and therefore no physical/material properties.

There is a simple way to determine what is real and therefore has substance, and that is:

If something can cause an effect or be affected, then it must be real and have substance. In other words, it must be made of something.

Can a thought cause an effect?

Can a thought be created? If so then what substance is it created from?

Do you use your physical senses when engaged with thoughts?

Those who study only the things of the physical/material realm will eventually come to an impasse, and to go any further they will have to concede to the reality of the spiritual.

You cannot make anything from nothing. If you try to make something from nothing you will end up with nothing.

The substances that form all the components of reality can be traced back through the evolution of their changes to a single source, a single and unique substance from which all things were formed, and in which all things exist. It is referred to as the ALL. Everything that exists including ourselves, exists within and is a part of the ALL. It is within us and it is outside of us. That is the true meaning of: We are all one. We are all of one substance.

There is no place within the ALL that reality does not exist.

The substance of reality had always existed, and so it had no beginning. It was all that there ever was, and all that can ever be.

Before the beginning of beginnings the substance of reality and its state of being, can be compared to a single unchanging musical note.

With each change that would come, a new and different note would be created, and the substance of reality would eventually form seven perfect notes.

The realm of reality is known as the ALL. It can be described as a vast ocean of vibrational units that each produce energy. They can be described as the smallest particles of reality.

It is the units of vibration that form the substance of reality.

Energy cannot be destroyed, because the vibrations that produce the energy have nothing to stop them.

Energy can only be transferred from one vibrational unit to another, but never all of the energy.

Energy cannot be transferred from one place to another across a gap, unless there is a substance for it to travel through.

Energy is a force that causes a direct effect upon that which it touches, and so energy can only be transferred through that which is capable of being affected. Therefore a gap that contains nothing cannot transfer energy.

The transference of energy can be demonstrated with a Newton’s cradle.

There are no gaps in reality, there is nothing that is at rest in the ALL. Everything is connected.

There is the same amount of energy in the ALL today as there ever was.

Vibrational units are never fixed into one place, they move around, and so the ALL can be described as fluidic in its nature. That is why it has been compared to water.

The Edge of Time and Beyond

Mankind has always struggled to understand the nature of time and the concept of infinity, and yet without an understanding of these things we are left open to relying on speculation, which has so often been used for the purposes of deceit.

Can anything exist outside of time, and if so what is there beyond time?

Is there anything that is infinite, and if so what?

The first thing we must do is to look at time, and what it is, and what it is not.

Time is not some form of invisible substance that flows like a river taking everything along with it. Therefore time cannot cause an effect. The only thing that we can do with time is measure it. But what are we measuring if time is not an entity?

The only thing we are measuring is a change and the speed of that change. Change can only be measured by comparing it to something that has consistent rate of change, and for this we use the rotation of the Earth and the speed of its revolution.

Time is not dependent on the observation/awareness of it, because change occurs even in the absence of someone being aware of it.

To be outside of time is an impossibility, because it would mean that nothing would be in a state of motion, not even a single vibration. To be outside of time would mean to be outside or reality. Is there such a place?

I have previously described the ALL as an infinite ocean of vibrational energy, which is the substance of reality. I have used the term ‘infinite’ because that is how the mind perceives it in its attempt to rationalize that which is beyond understanding.

When we consider the size of the universe it appears to be infinite, but it is not, it is confined within a space and it has an edge, and is only a finite part of the ALL.

The ALL is also confined in a space and so has an edge. Beyond that edge there are no vibrations to form reality, and therefore no energy from which to form reality.

The edge of the ALL is the edge of time, beyond which there is an endless space that is truly infinite and timeless, a space full of stillness and nothingness.

Nothing can be known beyond the edge of the ALL, because there is nothing to know. Infinity cannot be imagined be case the mind will always place limits upon it.

If you have understood what I have said, then today you have traveled in the mind to the edge of infinity and beyond.

From our perspective it can seem like the material Universe is infinite, and yet compared to the ALL it is as a grain of sand on the bed of a vast ocean.

The Birth of the Universe – Chance or Choice

The question that we are looking at here is: Did the Universe come into being by chance, or was it the choice of an intelligent designer?

It has been determined that the Universe was created from a singularity about 13.7 billion years ago. In other words, everything that is in the Universe was once compressed into a single finite point, in what appears to have been an empty space.

Was that space that we know as the Universe empty, and was everything that is now in the Universe once compressed into a single pinpoint, or is there another explanation?

The Universe was never empty. Its substance was just in a state of very low vibration, and so possessed very little energy. Today even the spaces that we see between stars and planets etc., contain the substance of very low vibrations; they are so weak that they have no influence, until a higher energy raises their vibrational state.

That which was released from the singularity was not matter, it was pure and very powerful energy, and it simply raised the vibrational states of the substance that already existed.

The energy that is now contained in the Universe did not exist before the big bang. It didn’t originate from inside the Universe, therefore it must have originated from outside of the Universe. This means of course that the Universe has an edge, and it exists within a confined space.

So now you have to consider: What was it that caused that injection of energy, and why did it occur at the specific time that it did?

The word ‘chance’ is a concept that portrays in the mind a lack of understanding, resulting in the inability to control events. It is the root cause of fear and hope. It also relies on the concept of chaos. But there is no chaos in all of reality. There are only chains of cause and effect that are so complex that they cannot be assimilated in the mind.

Nothing happens by chance, every event in the physical/material Universe is governed by the laws of physics, and therefore has no choice.

Choice requires awareness, desire and will, they are the attributes of spiritual beings only, and it is with those attributes that they are able to change what would have been in the absence of their interference.

Imagine the Universe before the Big Bang, imagine it as being an enclosed space full of low energy vibrations, sealed from the high energy vibrations which were outside of the Universe. What you have is a vacuum. Now imagine sticking a pin in the outer edge of the Universe allowing a measured amount of very high energy vibrations to enter, causing an internal explosion.

What you are seeing is the first cause in an incredible chain of cause and effects that resulted in the formation of everything now in the Universe. What is even more incredible is that the laws of physics must have been programmed to that very first cause.

Was there an intelligent sentient designer who set into motion the creation of the Universe?

It has been scientifically determined that the big bang occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. The big question is; why then? Why not somewhere in the infinite past or in the infinite future? The Big Bang was clearly an intervention event, an event that caused a change in the natural order of predetermined events. The Big Bang was therefore a supernatural event, one that would not have occurred in the absence of an entity that possessed awareness, desire and will. It is with these attributes that the bonds of conformity can be broken and a choice of action made.

Those who say that the Universe came into being by chance, have not yet realized its perfection and complexity, and how it is perfectly designed to sustain spiritual beings. They consider only the chaos of it coming into being, but they ignore the chances of it not coming into being.

Is it possible for an intelligent designer to exist? You are the living proof.

We must look deeper into the nature of the Self.

The question that we are looking at here is: Did the Universe come into being by chance, or was it the choice of an intelligent designer?

Echoes from the Mind

Thoughts are focused vibrational projections of feelings that are cast into the mind. They are like stones cast into water, creating ripples that return to the Self where they are felt once more as echoes. Eventually thoughts expend their energy and as they fade, their echoes are no longer felt.

Imagine thoughts as being like pieces of metal on a table in a dark room. They can be felt but not seen, and so their values are not known. There are different types of thoughts and likewise there are different metals, such as gold, silver, bronze and iron, each with their own value. To know the value of a piece of metal you need light to see it, and likewise to know the value of a thought, you need the light of understanding.

Imagine applying heat to one of those cold pieces of metal. Its vibrational state will gradually increase to the point where it emits light. That light forms an image of the piece of metal so that its value can be seen.

Likewise, imagine a thought that has been cast into the darkness of the mind. It is felt but not understood. Its meaning cannot be perceived, but the Self desires to understand its meaning. It is the heat of desire focused by the force of will that raises the vibrational state of the thought, until it emits the light of understanding, and what was felt is then seen.

The Self Awakens

As you read these words you find yourself in a moment of time, and in this moment you are experiencing awareness, but it is not the first moment that you have experienced it and it will not be the last.

Moments of awareness are like footsteps on the path of your life journey, they lead from the past and they will lead into the future.

Every journey begins somewhere, and for the Self that starting point was when the Self first realized its existence. I have never forgotten that moment. It is there hidden deep in your memories too, awaiting its rediscovery. It is the most magical of all moments. It is the moment that your life first began.

But what was it like before that first moment of Self Realization, and what followed that lead you to this present moment in time?

It is the Self’s unique state of vibration that gives it the ability to experience awareness. To be aware is to feel, and to feel is to know. The ability to be aware does not mean that you are aware, just as the ability to Love does not depend on you being loving. Before you become aware you must first possess the ability to be aware. That which has the ability to become aware must exist before it becomes aware.

Dreamless sleep is a state of complete unawareness, where even the concept of time is unknown. It is also a state where the Self is unaware even of its own existence. This is the state that the Self was in before your first awakening, in this present life journey.

Imagine being in a state of dreamless sleep, drifting through a dark empty silent space, not knowing even of your own existence.

Now imagine that your very presence as a vibrational entity is creating an effect on the space that surrounds you. It is your space; an empty virgin mind waiting for your awakening.

It is that space that will become your Spiritual Universe, a domain that you created and will rule over, it will be a place that will contain only and all of your creations. But for now the Self sleeps.

While the Self gently sleeps, the virgin mind remains open, waiting for the hand of you the creator.

It was as if the Self lay asleep within a shell, hovering above a sea that was so still that it had the appearance of glass, and there was perfect peace in the perfect darkness. There was no movement inside that shell other than the Self’s own vibrational state of being, which is its Spirit. As the Spirit grew, the shell descended until it touched the sea of glass.

It was in this moment of touching that the Self awakened to the reality of a place outside of itself and of its own existence.

The shell had cracked open and a new spiritual being had been born. The Self had become aware of its existence and in that awareness was the pleasurable feeling of; ‘I AM, ‘I EXIST’.

There then began a disturbance within the Self, it was the desire for understanding. That understanding could not be found within and so the Spirit of the Self, driven by desire, began to move on the face of the virgin mind in search of understanding, and as it did so the perfect peace was shattered. Peace would only return when the Self’s desire was satisfied with the answer to the question; WHAT AM I? It would be then that the Self experienced the feeling of pleasure once more.

The Meaning of life

People ask: What is the meaning of life, does it have any meaning at all, or are we just prisoners of our own existence, destined to suffer a lifetime with no reward at its end?

The answer to these questions were there at the beginning of every spiritual beings life journey. The meaning of life is not determined by the powers that you have, it is determined by the way that you use those powers, and in that alone is found the meaning of your life, which is its worth.

The purpose of life is to pursue and experience pleasure. In the beginning that pleasure was found in the light of understanding truth, and in that understanding the knowledge of causes and their effects was known. This was the beginning of wisdom. But there is another light, a dark light that emanates from desires that are ignorant of the feelings of other spiritual beings.

It is only through empathy that negative desires and dark light are overcome and with that the Self evolves and its life is given meaning.

In the absence of empathy there can be no connection between spiritual beings, no love can be shared, no guilt can be felt for causing others pain or loss, and the pursuit of pleasure for the Self becomes all that matters.

The world is the way it is because everyone is competing for pleasure, and it is those without empathy that have written the rule book and its pages are full of ignorance and death.

People who compete can never find peace. People who do not know themselves cannot know others, and they cannot experience the ultimate pleasure that gives true meaning to life.

It is empathy without wisdom that turns a loving soul into a fool for others. Empathy is like a pool to wash ones soul in, but those who swim in it without wisdom, end up drowning in sorrow.

The Divided Mind

In the beginning the mind was a single undivided space. It was a place into which feelings could be projected and their meanings found in the light of understanding. It is the light that forms images, and when we see those images we move from a state of awareness to a state of consciousness.

Awareness is feeling. Consciousness is seeing.

Images are seen in the mind only for as long as the Self focuses its attentions on them. As soon as the Self removes its focus of attention, the image dissolves and is lost, and so too is the knowledge that it revealed.

The solution to this was to divide the mind, using a part of it to store memories of those images. We refer to that place where memories are stored as the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind can be likened to a filing cabinet, and the conscious mind can be likened to a desk top.

The subconscious mind does not store the actual images, but rather it stores the feelings from which the images emanate. This is why you cannot see what is in the subconscious mind until it is brought into the conscious mind.

When the Self’s attention is drawn to a feeling in the subconscious mind, and it cannot form an image in the conscious mind from that feeling, it is called intuition, i.e. feeling and knowing without understanding. It is sometimes referred to as a ‘gut feeling’. We also refer to such a feeling as a suspicion.

The mind is further divided by the emotional mind, which is situated between a part of the subconscious, and the conscious mind.

DividedMind 300x112, LOVE  The meaning of life

Vibrational feelings from the subconscious mind can enter the conscious mind either directly or via the emotional mind. It is those feelings within the emotional mind that are referred to as emotions.

The emotional mind also transfers vibrations into the conscious mind, in the form of thoughts.

In ancient texts that we shall be looking at later, metaphors are used to describe the various parts of the mind.

For example: The conscious mind is likened to the Sky. The subconscious mind is likened to the Earth, and the emotional mind is likened to the Seas. The lower part of the conscious mind is likened to the atmosphere of the earth.

The emotions themselves are referred to as sea creatures such as whales etc.

The thoughts that emanate from the emotional mind into the conscious mind are referred to as fowl, i.e. birds.

There are many more things within the divided mind and we will look at those in the articles Ancient Secrets, and Twisted Scriptures. It is there that I will tell you what the scriptures were really about, and how spirituality has been high-jacked by organized religion.

Next subject: Twisted Scriptures

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