Born Innocent

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Born Innocent

What was it like for you when you came into the world? I mean, as you lay there on your first day in this world, what did you know other than you had physical needs?

Did you understand what people around you were saying?

Did you understand what you were seeing?

Did you understand where you were?        

Do you understand that your mind was like an empty cup?

Do you understand that without knowledge, there can be no evil intent?

Do you understand that because there was no evil intent, there was no darkness in you?

Do you understand that without darkness you were full of Light, innocent?

Do you realize that everyone’s life journey begins the same way, without exception?

I want you to go back in your mind to the time when your journey had just begun in this world. Back to the time when your free will was uncompromized. Back to the time when you knew nothing of the world and its ways and nothing of what was to come. See what you have lost. Go and look into the eyes of a contented child and see its innocence and the radiation of life from its free spirit. Now see what the world has done to you, and will do to that child because of the acceptance of the knowledge, authority and judgement, of the ignorant, selfish and forgetful.

You only have two teachers. One is the spirit and the other is the world. One has the wisdom of Love and one has the wisdom of the world.

  • For all the knowledge that you have acquired from the world, what good has it done you?
  • Has it made you a free spirit once more?
  • Are you happy and contented?
  • Are you going your way and not the way you are seduced by others to go?
  • Are you following our heart or conforming to the will of others?
  • Do you see the world that you came into, a world full of war, conflict, suffering, hypocrisy, deception, insecurity, selfishness and greed?

Everyone comes into the world innocent and they become filled with knowledge by those who have lost their innocence, peace, freedom of spirit and spiritual identity.

It is far more profitable to empty ones cup when it has been poisoned, for even one drop of poison in a cup makes the whole of the cup poison, and drinking from it can only result in suffering.

Next Page: Unconditional Love

2 Responses so far.

  1. G’day Friend.
    Love what you do here.
    Just to add… I am one of those rare souls who have the ability to remember back all the things that happened to me from about 6 months old.. it has something to do with Hippocampus function of the brain. I just found this out recently. Before my Mum died, she said I got that information from my Dad, but this is not so, its just she could not believe I had those early memories. Anyway, my point is this; I dont feel I was born innocent… I feel that my soul had baggage before I entered this world. This baggage needed rectifying, and is why I am here. I also feel I have achieved this “somewhat” and are a better soul now than before I was born. I say these things not to be difficult, rather to get the opinion of someone I love and trust with great discernment skills.
    Love the gentle loving soul you are William. Peace bro.