My Enlightenment

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My Enlightenment

Coming into the world

Everyone can look back through their life journey until they eventually reach a point where they awakened to find themselves in this world, and before that moment of birth there is nothing, no memories, no awareness of a previous existence, and no idea what they are or why they exist.

For me it was different because I came into this world with some pre-birth memories, and those memories are as vivid today as they were at the beginning of my life journey.

Pre-Birth Memories

I remember being in the entrance of what appeared to be a cave filled with light. I turned to my left and there stood someone dressed in a full length garment that was a soft shade of blue. Their hair was blonde, almost with the appearance of gold that came down just below the shoulders. I couldn’t discern a gender or who it was, but the face seemed to be that of a long known friend, It radiated the warmth of peace and Love.

Every Life Journey is a Choice

We walked out of the cave entrance and onto a ledge that protruded out into the darkness, and as I looked down, images appeared to me of so many souls filled with sorrow and frustrations, not knowing who and what they were, trapped in ignorance because they were denied the Truth that would set them free from their suffering. I knew that I would have to return to that place once more for the sake of Love,

Love is the Only Salvation

I had been there before and I had suffered and learned, I had overcome that world and to return to it would mean doing the same again, it would cost me all that I had gained, including my enlightenment and transcendence, but my Love would remain with me, unconditional and complete.

Mothers are chosen

As I looked into the world at the unfolding lives of many precious souls, my eyes came to rest on one whose heart was good, even though her suffering had been much. To her I would entrust my soul.

I heard my friend say in a gentle voice; ‘Have you chosen?’ I said ‘I have’, and I found myself leaving that place and falling alone and into forgetfulness and towards the Earth. It was there in the material realm that I would strive once more to find the truth I had forgotten, a truth that would be found through the love I carried within.

The Journey Begins

For a moment nothing existed, and then I awoke in the dressing room of another reality, waiting to make my entrance on to the stage of life. I had no concept of what awaited me, and all I could see was an orange glow through the curtain and all I could hear were the sounds of a play in progress and I understood nothing. This time in the womb, was one of peace, it was the calm before the storm.

I recall those days before birth so vividly, almost as if it were yesterday. I remember knowing that I was to be born, that I would be leaving that place, but of what waited outside, I knew not. How frightening it was to leave that place. The first thing I experienced was fear, but I soon found myself being comforted in the warm and protecting arms of the one I had chosen. It was then for the first time, that I felt the powerful and beautiful bond of love flowing through every part of my being. I was here and for the moment, I was safe. I remember how strange the world seemed in those first weeks. I would look around and although I could see clearly, I couldn’t understand what I was seeing, voices were the same; it was all a foreign language to me.

Baby Bill 234x300, LOVE  The meaning of life

I was born on the 22nd of March 1948, in a house
PICT0013 300x225, LOVE  The meaning of life on the edge of the town centre, it still remains the same to this day.

My sister was born 18 months later, and at the age of 2 years, I fell out of the second story window. It was a neighbour who picked me up and ran with me a mile to the hospital, thereby saving my life. It was not long after that my parents split up, leaving my mother to look after two children.

We moved house not long after that and we were very poor. I remember a welfare worker bringing us a potato sack full of broken toys for Christmas. We lived mostly on bread and pork dripping sandwiches then. When mum went out and we were alone, we used to sneak a spoonful of malt and cod liver oil from a jar in the cupboard.

A Mothers Love

Things then began to change and we started getting proper meals, we didn’t realize that our mum had been forced to turn to prostitution to look after us. Am I ashamed? No, she did what any loving mother would do for the sake of her children. I think what had finally pushed her into prostitution was when my sister became seriously ill with double pneumonia and scarlet fever and almost died.

We were left alone in the house on many occasions, but that was preferable to the babysitter she sometimes got to look after us. He seemed to delight in frightening us by locking us in the dark cellar, and making scary noises from outside the door.

Sometimes she would ask the neighbours to look after us when she went away for the weekend. I think seeing her leave was the worst, it felt like she was going forever.

As we grew a little older, our mum’s patience with us seemed to get less and less. If we got too noisy we would get whipped with a belt, and it would leave marks on us. We didn’t realize how much she was going through at the time.

Sea of Glass

So I want to take you back now to when a recurring dream first began at the age of three years.

It was as if I was hovering above a sea that was so calm that it had the appearance of glass, and I felt a perfect peace throughout my being.

As I descended and touched the surface it began to change, turning all spiky and I felt a kind of nervous tension through my whole being. It was then that I noticed an old galleon ship on the horizon, moving from right to left. I never heard the words, ‘sea of glass’ until I first looked at the Book of Revelation after my enlightenment, and there it was in Chapter 4:6. It was then that I had a very profound revelation about all of us.

My encounter with organized religion. 

I was christened in St. John’s Church, which you can see in the picture of the street that I was born in. I still remember the ceremony. Later I went to Sunday school about seven times for religious teachings. At first it was fascinating and made me feel like a good person, but something didn’t feel right about what they were teaching. They spoke about a man called Jesus who performed miracles, and was very loving. How can you not admire such a person? I soon realized that the rest of the teachings were not loving at all. Later in life I went to Church a couple of times just to experience that sense of feeling good, but it wasn’t the teachings that attracted me. I think it was the atmosphere, the music, the design of the building and the stained glass windows. It all seemed to be designed to beguile the senses, and compel the Self to conform. I didn’t realize until many years later that a seed had been planted somewhere deep in my subconscious. It was that of an angry, vengeful, jealous God that had the power to cast the soul into hell for not conforming to his wishes. There was always the thought of; ‘What if it’s true?’ I can tell you that it is not. I know all the secrets of organized religion, and how they have blocked the path of loving souls. I am going to unblock that path for you. It is what I came into the world to do.

The Coming of the Light

There came a point in my life, when through forgiveness, I had found a measure of peace and in a quiet moment, my mind once again fell on my quest for answers. I had suffered so much, but then so had others, and it was usually at the hands of the unloving, who always seem to be greatly rewarded for their actions. It was time to look at myself and my life with complete honesty. I reasoned that it would not profit me if I didn’t face myself and my beliefs with unbiased logic and reasoning.

My first question was ‘is there life after death?’ My pre-birth memories were anchored so far in the past that for the first time, I began to doubt them and I had no memory of knowledge relating to life after this one. So I faced death and I was left with the only two possibilities; either death was an end to awareness, in which case I wouldn’t even know that I had died. I just would not exist anymore, or life continues. I wasn’t sure either way, but an end to awareness sounded the best option, but what then of my loving nature? Was it all for nothing? Was it no more than a mental condition that had robbed me of enjoying this one finite life?

I reasoned that it didn’t matter. What mattered was that I had made the lives of others better. I had contributed to a better world. I knew that it was the way to be. It was good and right. My life had not been wasted and I and countless others would not have suffered so much if there had been more love in the world.

I decided to remain true to my loving nature and carry on living my life the way that I had always done, regardless of what came.

Next I looked at all of the knowledge that I had gained throughout my life, and I realized that I knew nothing of worth, nothing except that love is the way. Possessions are worthless, people are priceless and the greatest delusion is that we need more than love.

So there I was, emptied of desire, I did not even need my love fulfilled, to give was enough for that is where my pleasure lay.

In this knowledge I found a peace that I had never known in this life. I was free of emotional baggage. I had done my best in this life, and given the world that I was born into, I reasoned that I had done well, I had not been overcome and my love remained undefeated against all the odds. For this, I gave myself credit, and I stepped forward, happy with who I was; I had stepped out of the game of life.

We come with the knowledge of what is right and wrong (good and evil), but knowledge alone is worthless unless acted upon, and you cannot act upon the knowledge of what is good and right with sincerity, unless you first acknowledge its truth.

For three weeks, I was happier than I ever was. I was free, no more searching and no more questions. My cup was empty and filled to the brim with love, but it wasn’t to last.

My Enlightenment Experience

My three weeks of pleasurable existence had just come to the end. Enlightenment was the last thing I would have thought about, and was no more than a word that I had encountered, somewhere in the pages of the books I had read in the distant past. My thoughts were not even on anything spiritual. It was then that the completely unexpected happened.

I found myself disembodied in a place full of light and I was not afraid. The first thing that I realized was that I alone occupied the space that I was in, as an aware entity. I felt my existence as an individual entity and I knew that I was immortal and indestructible.

The light that surrounded me was a pure white light, and I could both see it and feel it somehow. The only way I can describe it is that it was like perfect peace and contentment. It was then that I saw an image appear forming in the light. It was a reflection of the first and true image. Then something indescribable happened, I felt my whole being permeated with a feeling of pure Love, a Love far greater, more beautiful and blissful than I could ever find words to describe. Then I left that place, absent of fear, full of Love and confidence. My conscious mind had expanded like a super nova and was filled with the light of understanding.

Those who saw me after my experience would stare at me unable to understand what they were seeing. All they could say is that I was glowing somehow, but they had no words to describe it. I felt it too. It was perfect peace, confidence and love.

My Mission of Love

I have always been extremely self-aware, and I knew that I was not my physical body. There were many times that I would lay awake thinking; Who am I? What am I? Why am I here? I never felt that I was a part of this world, I was very spiritually sensitive and had many psychic experiences. This led me to study the supernatural and the paranormal. I never studied any form of religion and I had never looked into enlightenment, so when enlightenment came, it was a complete surprise. It was an instant and unexpected transformation, and if you could experience that for a moment, you would know the meaning of your life and what it is that you seek, and where I am guiding you.

It is not religion that I teach, it is spirituality. I am going to tell you things that no one else can, and I am going to open your eyes to what has eluded you all of your life, and you will have the power to change this world.

I am not like other teachers who teach for profit and praise. I have walked in your shoes, and I speak not from blind faith, but from experience. I am not your master, I am your brother in Love and Truth, who came back to show you the way home, the Truth that will set you free, and the Life that is eternal and beautiful.

An Angel’s Feather

An Angel’s feather fell from Heaven, I used it as my pen

I dipped it into the Spirit of Love, to save the souls of men

From every stroke there came a spark that filled the page with Light

And as the words began to for they healed my spiritual sight

When the page was done I read it softly and gone were all my fears

For the words had spoken to my heart and healed my spiritual ears

Go and tell the world my son and set my children free

Lead them from the silent night and send them home to me’

I offered back the Angels feather that had opened Heaven’s doors

‘I gave you Love and Truth my son, the feather?

That was yours.

14 Responses so far.

  1. Hello!

    Do you believe that Jesus Is Gods Only Begotten Son and walked in the Flesh to save us for our Sins and Died on the Cross and was reserected?

    Thank you.

    Vitality Girl

    • Do you believe that the Son of Man is within you? If so in what form? Do you believe its ok for someone else to pay for your sins? I am not a follower of the fake church. I understand the true meaning of the scriptures and they are flawless. Love and blessings, William

      • Hello Mr. William,

        I am trying to reach you in whatever way I can. Please forgive me for bombarding you with messages. I am so thankful to have come across your site. I have been reading all your writing the past week. I truly believe your teachings are the easiest to understand and to follow. I have been searching all my life and have come across many good books and teachings, but for some reason I was not able to practice or was not ready to let go of this world. I believe, I have come to a point that, I no longer can ignore the Truth and have decided to give up everything. I like to buy at least one box of The Gospel of Thomas to give to libraries, churches, other spiritual organizations, and to give to people who I think might be open or are ready to embarrass your teachings. I try not to buy from Amazon, as I find their owner and business practice bias (still have not been able to get rid of my worldly view, I guess :(). I am asking you if there is another way I can buy your books, if not I will go through amazon.

        Thank you for all your doing!


  2. Hi William, just wanted to sincerely thank you for all your amazing teachings and works here πŸ™‚

    My question is, apart from reading the interpretations and all the teachings here, how can we cultivate more love in our everyday lives?

    Also, I’ll probably send you an email as I have so many questions that I just don’t think I could fit into one comment box.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. William, I have always believed in you from the moment I found your site. I was like a kid in a candy store reading your words that rang so true to what I had been searching for. Seven years later and you have helped transform me beyond this Human experience. I thank you for all you do my Brother!

  4. Thank you William, Your email showed up at a time of quiet desperation!

    Love and gratitude to you,


  5. William, you offer a glimpse into how to heal life’s hurt that’s truly refreshing and it feels right. May you continue on this path for many years to come with more insights & teachings we’ll all benefit from.

  6. I can identify with many of your experiences and feelings. Your interpretation of the Gospel of Thomas rings of truth , what Jesus was really about and wanted us to know about ourselves brings much love, joy and understanding. Thank you so very much for that !

  7. Much love William, love the new I have said many many times…..THANK YOU!! For All your hard work!! Beside u I will always stand!!