Chad R

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Chad R

Hello everyone my name is Chad, a while back pushing 8 to 10 years somewhere around there haha, I came across the Gospel of Thomas website written by William. Throughout my life I have had experiences very hard to explain, they were of the spiritual kind . I now know it was interaction to guide and protect me. Once I came across the truth William was giving out, huge changes within started occurring. This truth started making me think before I act, tryin to understand each situation I am in under a different light whether it be past experiences with family or other individuals, it just put my experiences under a different light of understanding than before. It was as if I was on autopilot going through the motions before William. Anyone who has ever read Williams writings knows that it puts self in that mirror to be broken down….. if you have not read the truth given by our brother once you do you will see what I mean. So now I am seeing life under this new light one where I don’t see the body anymore I see the one operating it and knowing that each and every person I see is the same. It seemed as if myself was adjusting to the truth then bam!! I had the experience that put all my studies and experiences in order. It was so beautiful and I can go back there to the state of mind anytime I feel like it that is because I operate from there hahaha okay what happened ?? It was so unexpected I was not talking about anything spiritual or even thinking spiritual thoughts…. all of a sudden I was put into a place of Darkness that was brilliantly lit up with dazzling light I felt I was at a distance to it but could move toward it if I wish to I guess what I mean by that is I had my free will still…this light I NOW know as the core of all that is is very real and and very much aware of me observing it … now with the light I was given a Rush of complete Bliss of love like the happiest most loving feelings I have ever had multiplied by a million and I believe still that doesn’t equal the amount I felt… I now know that this love is me and that love is the amount of love our creator has for us.. as soon as I have a recognition of this love I had a recognition of where I am!!! Ha!! like a switch of a light and as soon as that light switched hahaha I was back in the material Realm but I brought a few things back with me. Meeting William and having this experience has giving me a profound understanding of self and mind and the system I used to fight against banging my head against the wall it felt like hahaha. I Now understand we are domesticated into a system.. William is Right a game already at play and I now have a clear view of those behind it and what happens once true self is discovered….. I used to think I was a good fisherman hahaha but I have really never fished for men until now and thank you for teaching me how William!! because outside these bodies we are all twins we are beings of light ,Spiritual Beings of feelings the only difference is what is within the mind you know that commercial? What do you got in your wallet?? Well I say let it be full of love…… the only thing that has real worth. I pray a version of what happened to me happens to you…thnx your brother, soul named Chad.

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