
Home / Farewell


You said that you loved me and then broke my heart

You said you would stay but now we are apart

You said you’d never hurt me yet you left me in pain

I thought you were the one but I thought wrong again

You always brought flowers and a kiss on the lips

But the flowers and kisses were for bedroom trips

You said you’d be gentle but now I feel used

My self-worth is lost and my faith in love bruised

I thought we were soul mates and my life was complete

But I was a victim who laid at your feet

You came as my prince so handsome and tall

But the fairy tale ended when you’d taken all

I felt so alone in a far distant land

And I cried many tears, with my head in my hand

I cursed and begged why, but now grief is done

And I’m glad that you left me, because you weren’t the one

If you had but stayed as I had once willed

My love would be wasted and never fulfilled

I thank you for leaving and clearing the way

So I may find true love and the heart that will stay

Farewell©2007HWHodgetss all rights reserved

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