If You Believe

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If You Believe

We all have souls of that I’m sure

Some are rich and some are poor


Truth is that which we believe

Until a new one we conceive


Of all the creatures that have ever been

Only to man was immortality seen


We strive for knowledge, it’s gift, it’s curse

It can make us the best or make us the worst


In the light we are safe yet in darkness we hide

Fulfilling the needs of the animal inside


At the end of each question there’s always a why

So gods we create and place in the sky


Each god is the one, there can be no others

And in defence of our gods we kill sisters and brothers


When will we see there is only one choice

And in all that is good, there is only loves voice?


When you pass through the doorway when leaving this world

Will you enter with tears or with wings unfurled?


When you enter that place and see those that you knew

Will you say, ‘I’m not staying I have more left to do’?


If you return to this world so truth you may find

You will find it in those, who are gentle and kind


In those who you hurt yet they always forgive

And those who would die, so others may live


Love is a gift you give and receive

And the world you have changed, if in Love you believe

IfYouBelieve© HW Hodgetts 2007 all rights reserved

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