Journeys End

Journeys End

Many Paths

There are many who have searched for enlightenment, but so few have ever found it, even after dedicating their whole life in pursuit of it. What they search for is peace, understanding, an end to suffering, and a state of bliss.

There is the path to the final step, and there is the final step itself.

There are said to be many paths that will take you to the final step to enlightenment, and those paths are usually filled with suffering and faith rather than experience, subservience rather than freedom and hope that is never fulfilled. In truth all that you ever needed was a good heart, and with it an understanding of what is good and right.

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If you have read about the path that Buddha Siddhartha Gautama followed, you will know that for all that he had learned from other teachers, and for all that he suffered and endured, in the end none of it triggered that state of enlightenment that he had been pursuing. The path that he had taken and all the knowledge he had gained was worthless. He had come a long way only to find a locked door. Do you understand, can you relate to that?

It was only when Buddha Gautama realized the futility of the path he had taken, that he gave up following it.

The path that he had taken began when he saw the suffering of others and felt empathy for them. He wanted to understand the cause of suffering, so that he could find a way to end it. His path was a noble path of Love and Truth.

You will not find in the scriptures of any religion the secret of the final step to enlightenment. When the enlightened teacher leaves the world there is always a struggle for control and a concealment of the secret.

The final step will set you free, completely free from all suffering and its causes.


Someone asked me two questions recently:

What are the realizations you had moments before transcendence or days before?


What state of realization were you in at the time before transcendence and what choices did you make that lead to transcendence?

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I was looking back over my life journey, and how after my youth and rebellion against a world in which I had suffered so much, I had come to a point where I kept asking myself; Who am I? What am I? Why am I here? I was always acutely aware of myself and my existence. It was as if I didn’t belong in this world. They were questions that I could not find an answer to, and I would not until after my enlightenment. I could never silence my curiosity and it led me into many areas. I was only ever satisfied when I understood something, but the most important thing to me was understanding things about myself.

In the end I gave up. I had lost any fear of death; it couldn’t be worse than life. I had learned so much, but not what I really wanted to know. I had come to understand why people do what they do, why there is so much suffering, and I had come to understand the importance of Love and Truth. But I couldn’t understand my existence or the reasons and purpose of it.

I had always been a logical person, and that is what turned me away from religious teachings, I could never accept things without proof, but I was always open minded and prepared to consider everything. I was always tenacious in my search for understanding, and I would dig into things until I found their foundations. However the knowledge and understanding about myself seemed to be buried beneath impenetrable rock.

Facing Reality

There came a point where I had to face reality. It didn’t matter what I did or how hard I tried, it was simply impossible to break through that rock, beneath which was hidden the answers concerning myself. Giving up was the hardest thing that I ever had to do, but it brought me a peace I had never known.

It was time to take stock of my life and see what I was left with.

My faith in Love was unshaken, it was the logical way to be for everyone, and worth more than anything else that someone could possess, and I realized that it had to be unconditional to achieve its greatest value. Love is the only thing that gives anything worth, and I had so much. I had searched for Truth, but of what worth is Truth without Love?

It is only when you look inside at the Love you have that you realize your worth and the worth of your life.

If we have Love inside and are taught that we and our life are worthless then it is because those who teach us have either no Love, or they have conditional Love. What then is the worth of their life, or anything that they teach?

I didn’t know what I was, or who I was, or why I even existed, or even how long I had left in this world, but it didn’t matter anymore. My Love was unconditional; I had no-one left to forgive but myself. It was unconditional Love that compelled me to forgive others, and unconditional Love does not pick and choose who to forgive, and so I knew that I was forgiven.

If you have unconditional Love and do not accept forgiveness for yourself, then your Love becomes conditional again. Forgive and in doing so know that you are forgiven.

I spent several days experiencing my new state of consciousness, and I expected that I would continue this way. I was no longer looking for anything, and I had no questions to ask. It was as if I was walking on solid ground.

Then something completely unexpected and amazing happened. It was if that impenetrable rock that I was now walking on, and once tried to dig into, suddenly collapsed beneath my feet, and I found myself in another place. It was neither my conscious mind nor my subconscious mind, and it was filled with light.

What will be important for you now is what I found there, and how you can get there. It will be easier for you than it was for me, and I will show you the way.

In the Light

I was surrounded by light, it was pure and powerful. It seemed to go on forever without borders, and it didn’t hurt my eyes. I was alone but I felt calm and safe, powerful and content, and my intuition told me that this was my home, the place that I existed in.

I stared into the light in wonderment, and a thought suddenly occurred to me; ‘What am I?’ It was then that an image began to form in the light, and I understood that it was a reflected image of myself as a spiritual being. It was my pure image. What I had seen was my image in the light of understanding. I was not only the light within the light, but I was the source of the light that surrounded me. I then felt my whole being permeated with a feeling of incredible bliss, it was pure unconditional Love, and I knew that it was the source of a beautiful and fulfilled life. What else can I say about the light other than it was the pure substance of uncorrupted understanding, in which all understanding is found. It is the light in which all Truth is found, and in that light I found the answers to the questions I had searched for, and so much more.

I cannot say how long I was in that light, it was as if time stood still, I then found myself back in this world, full of Love, confidence and inner peace, and I knew what my mission was. I wanted people to be able to experience what I had, but I didn’t know how to do that. My enlightenment was completely unexpected. It was not something that I was pursuing. I didn’t even know what was happening to me, or where it would lead me. So there were problems because whoever I tried to teach would be expecting the reward of enlightenment, and I had not been looking for a reward of any kind. I had no-one to teach me, but you do. I now completely understand what had happened to me and why.

The Beginning and the End

There is no beginning or end to the Self’s existence as a spiritual entity.

The beginning and the end is a reference to the start of a life journey and its ending.

The end is the same as the beginning because in both, the Self finds itself in the light.

The Self begins its life journey in the light, it then loses the light and has to try to regain it, so it can become re-enlightened.

Reincarnation occurs when the Self has completed a life journey and has failed to achieve enlightenment through its own efforts.

Reincarnation gives the Self another try at attaining enlightenment. The Self connects to another new born physical body so that it can interact through it with the material realm/world.

Baby In Mothers Womb 300x239, LOVE  The meaning of life The Self can reincarnate as many times that are necessary. This results in a series of life journeys, all of which are temporary, and begin with a virgin mind containing no memories of previous lives. Eternal life is achieved when the Self attains re-enlightenment.

When the Self finds that it has memories from a previous life it is not because it retained those memories from a previous life, but because they were passed to it, by someone in the spiritual realm, who refused for some reason, to move on and begin another life journey. They would not head towards the light because of a very strong attachment to someone or something in the material world.

The Self is a MONAD, that is to say; the Self that you refer to as ‘I’ is a single unit that cannot be divided. The Self is a singularity whose density is impenetrable, and therefore indestructible and eternal.

The Self is a spiritual being, i.e. a vibrational entity that possesses the highest vibrational state of all that there is, and so the Self is capable of producing from itself the highest level of energy that there is. It is with this energy that the Self is able to both create, destroy and control.

All Things are Possible

There is nothing that is impossible, there are only things that seem to be impossible, and the cause of this is a lack of understanding. When something happens that was considered to be impossible, it is usually referred to as a miracle or magic, because no explanation can be found for its occurrence. The Self is then left in a state of amazement and an acceptance of what seems to be impossible. It is like a blind man hearing thunder for the first time and not knowing its cause. If the blind man was also deaf he would only know that something had occurred because he felt it. The meaning of silent thunder is to feel the effect of something while not seeing or hearing it. If someone had explained the cause of what he had felt then he would have understood. There are no miracles and magic, there are only things which are not understood. All things are possible when their causes are understood. It is possible for you to come to know yourself and to achieve enlightenment with little effort, and because you possess awareness, desire, will and the greatest source of energy in all of reality, you also have the power to manipulate and rule over the ALL. The key to all of this power is to understand causes and their effects.

All things are possible for those who understand, and understanding begins with knowledge.

The Nature of Self and Mind

The Self that you refer to as ‘I’ has two prime attributes, which are awareness and desire, both of which are vibrational states that the self feels. Therefore desire is just another state of awareness.

Awareness is feeling and feeling is knowing, but there can be no progression from knowing without understanding.

Understanding always needs the support of further knowledge as a comparison.

Light cannot be understood without darkness. Good cannot be understood without evil. Truth cannot be understood without lies etc. The Self cannot be understood without that which is not the Self. Example: this is ‘I’ that is that and not ‘I’.

In the beginning the Self felt its existence but it had nothing to compare that with, and so it didn’t understand what that feeling meant. Its virgin mind was empty and contained no knowledge for comparison, and a state of desire had not been activated, because the Self hadn’t yet realized the existence of its mind.

It is the existence of the Self as a vibrational entity that creates the mind, which is outside and surrounds the Self. In other words, the Self raises the vibrational state of the space that surrounds it.

In religion the Self is likened to the Sun.

It is the Self that exists as God and Father, i.e. ruler and creator of the mind, and all that is within it. You are a God, the one that religious texts teach about. I have to say here that we did not create the material Universe. That existed long before any sentient beings stepped foot in it, and it was made ready for our arrival by the first and Supreme God.

The Awakening

So there the Self was, in the beginning, isolated from the effects of any other reality, feeling only its own existence and having no understanding of what that meant.

Imagine for a moment that you are drifting through a dark empty Universe, where nothing exists but the Self. You have no memories, no emotions, and no perception other than the feeling of something that you don’t understand. There is no past, and no future, there is only the seemingly unchanging moment.

It was inevitable that the Self would focus its attention on what it felt, and on realizing that it didn’t understand what it meant, a new feeling began to form, it was desire, the feeling that there was something that the Self didn’t have; the Self’s natural state of peace that had been lost.

The Truth is Out There

Desire began to move the Self’s focus of attention, until it eventually reached the edge of the space within which the Self existed, and it realized that there was something other than the Self. It was another space, a deep dark empty space outside of the Self.

The Self was now aware of two realities; the reality of the Self and the reality of what was not the Self. The Self had asked desire for the light of understanding of what the Self had felt, and desire had delivered. The Self then understood that it existed, and that it was a separate individual aware entity. This turned the darkness into light. The Self was now enlightened, and that light spread throughout the space that was outside of itself. It was like the birth of a Sun whose warmth gives life, and whose light reveals all.

The Self is the source of desire and the light, it is through desire that we create, and it is in the light that we perceive.

Awareness is feeling, consciousness is seeing, and in seeing there is understanding.

The Self’s True Image

It was after the Self realized its own existence that it became curious and desired to understand what it was. I AM was followed by WHAT AM I? Finding no understanding within the Self began to search the light outside of itself. The Self then realized that the light was a reflected image of itself and that the Self was the source of that light. I AM then became I AM THAT I AM.

The Self is the light within the light, which makes the Self invisible in the light, because no eye can see it. All images are made of light, and when there is no contrast between the light and its source, then the source of the light cannot be seen; it cannot be distinguished.

To see the light is to understand and know yourself.

Where Am ‘I’

It may seem strange but you are where you have always been, and that is in the light where you first awakened to the reality of your own existence. The Self always remains in the perfect centre of its domain, it spiritual Universe, that the Self refers to as mind.

It is not the Self that moves it is the Self’s focus of attention, and wherever that focus of attention is, an illusion is created that the Self is actually there.

The Self has the potential to see anything anywhere that is existing or happening in the moments when its focus of attention reaches its peak.

The Self’s sees only what it focuses its attention on, but how clearly the Self sees something is dependent on how focused its attention is.

Focus of attention is driven by desire.

The greater the desire, the greater the clarity of what is seen and with clarity comes understanding. The Truth is everywhere. Everyone sees it but not everyone understands what they see. There are three reasons for this: Disinterest, Distraction and Dislike.

Disinterest is a lack of desire, and this occurs when the Self sees something that it considers to be not important.

Distraction occurs when the Self sees something else that it considers to be more important.

Dislike causes the Self to reject what it has seen and quickly remove its focus of attention from it, fearing a challenge to what it has already come to believe and understand. Fear always leads to denial and hate, and both are due to a lack of understanding.

What is seen cannot be unseen because it stays in the memory.

It is one thing to see and it is another to perceive the understanding of what was seen.

The Self’s focus of attention is dependent on the Self’s desire to understand, and complete understanding only comes with complete focus of attention.

Eye Of Horus.svg , LOVE  The meaning of life It is then that the Self becomes the all-seeing eye.


I can now show you the way home to yourself and your place of light. What once seemed impossible will be achieved with a single step, and in the light you will understand everything. Then you can teach others and lead them to freedom.

The Divided Mind

TheSelf 300x200, LOVE  The meaning of life In the beginning the Self existed in the centre of its undivided mind.


There were only two places on which the Self could focus its attention. These were the Self and its perfect uncorrupted mind. To create anything in its mind, and to retain memories within that mind, would cause confusion, because the present would exist with the past. It was because of this and the Self’s desire to retain its true image that it divided the mind into three separate units.

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A. This is the Super Conscious mind that contains the Self’s true image. In scriptures it is referred to as ‘the waters above’.

B. This is the conscious mind. It is the place where images are formed and life is experienced. It is referred to in scriptures as ‘the firmament/Heaven’.

C. This is the subconscious mind. The place where memories are stored. In scriptures it is referred to as ‘the waters below’.

The Self now has three places within the mind to focus its attention, together they form the Self’s spiritual realm/domain/universe.

The Material realm exists outside of the Spiritual realm and is of a different nature to it. The Material realm is another place in which to focus the Self’s attention. If we add the Self then the total number of places for the Self’s focus of attention amounts to five.

The Self can only focus its attention in once place at a time and only on one thing at a time, if clarity and depth of perception is to be achieved.

The only reason why you can’t find your way home and experience enlightenment is because of the fear of letting go. You cannot find the permanent if you do not let go of the temporary, and all things outside of the Super Conscious mind are temporary. If you can let go, and by that I mean remove your focus of attention from them even for a moment, then your focus of attention will have nowhere else to go but to the Self and the Super Conscious mind. The only way to achieve transcendence is to disconnect from the things that are holding you down.

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Letting go is and has always been, the only obstruction to enlightenment.

I have said that; ‘sometimes you have to give in to win’ The Self has to stop searching for itself in places that it is not.

I will also say that; ‘sometimes you have to give up what you have in order to receive what you need’.

If a hungry man’s hands are full of the things that he treasures, would he not let go of those thing to fill his hands with food?

There was a man who left his home in search of treasure to adorn his house. When he had gathered a great quantity he suddenly realized that he didn’t know his way home. He died in a far off land full of sorrow and regret.

The path to paradise is paved with Truth, but the blind cannot see it and many who are sighted fear to follow it.

Whatever the Self attaches itself to, takes away the freedom of both, the Self and what it is attached to.

The Self’s shackles are forged by desire and ignorance, but they are broken by desire and understanding.

Freedom 300x225, LOVE  The meaning of life There are many who will teach you how to make those shackles, but only a few that will teach you how to break them.

Life in this world is a game where everyone competes for pleasure, and there are more losers than winners. The losers are of course the ones that suffer, yet it is the winners who have usually acted in vain, and the cost of their success is far greater than they realize because of the damage to their soul.

There are rules and conditions to the game of life, rules that would end all conflict, conditions that would result in quality of life for everyone. But there are those who are too ignorant and selfish to realize the consequences of their actions.

Someone who doesn’t want to cheat can never win against someone who does.

Someone who has empathy can never win against someone who has no empathy.

There are those who do not understand, and there are those who do not want to understand.

There are only two ways to survive the game of life being played out in this world: deny and destroy your empathy, and give control of your soul to unrighteous desire (the Devil).


Stop playing the game of life.

‘Be as wise as serpents and as peaceful as a dove’. In other words; avoid confrontation and always remain peaceful.

Eye  300x199, LOVE  The meaning of life Time Out


The final step to enlightenment requires the Self to take time out, in which the Self allows itself to take a temporary rest from the material world, and all things that are associated with it. The letting go must be so complete that the Self finds itself alone and without a care.

Choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and let go. Nothing should matter other than taking a rest. It should be a state of withdrawal from desires and obligations. You have to let the world carry on without and trust others to manage for a while without your presence. Give yourself a break, you are entitled to it.

Many people are anxious about experiencing loneliness even when it is temporary, but how then are they to come to know the Self? Other people enjoy being alone because in that they find peace and an escape from conflict. Some people do not like their own company because they have been taught not to love themselves, they are even taught that to love the Self is somehow wrong and selfish. But it you do not love yourself then what is it that you are giving to others?

Before my enlightenment and for most of my life, I was very shy. I had low Self-esteem and no confidence, I was always looking up to other people as if they were of greater worth than me. After my enlightenment I realized that we are all spiritual beings of the same type and any perceived difference is no more than an illusion. This is why I have said; ‘When we are all equal in knowledge, it will be realized that we were always equal’. I now never look up to anyone or down at anyone.

It is when we do not love ourselves enough that we become needy and afraid to face the Self in case of what we may find.

Love yourself as I love you, and take time out to see what I see in you. It is then that the Truth will set you free.

No-one is ever more alone than when they turn their backs to the Self.

Take time out and know the meaning of true freedom.

Unconditional Love

If you want to be free, let others be free, or they will not be sincere with anything that they give.

If you want unconditional Love, then give unconditional Love.

If you Love someone let them go, if they Love you they will stay.

All things come to pass, except those which are eternal.

Letting go does not mean that what you let go of is taken from you and lost. For example, after enlightenment you still retain all of your memories, in fact, everything that you let go of is still there when you come back. The difference will be that you will understand everything and be filled with wisdom, and you will realize what is of true value and what is not.

Every life journey changes the nature of the Self, and even if you do not achieve enlightenment and eternal life in this life journey, you will retain the nature you leave with, to begin your next life journey. If you have a loving nature you will keep it for your next journey. The Love stays with you.

You will live forever, and your destiny is to evolve spiritually, and remember the beautiful and precious soul that you are.

Love and blessings,



I am I, I am here in this head, In the centre of mind, from where all things are read

I am I, I am here in this mind, I am spirit and life which is not yet defined

I am I, I search for divinity, Wherever I go I am the centre of infinity

I am I, I’m alone in this place, I’ve seen many things, yet I’ve not seen my face

I am I, it’s myself I must find, Be in one place alone, with ALL left behind

I am I, to myself I was blind, now I turn from the world, to the centre of mind

I am I, my senses are stilled, In the silence I wait, where nothing is willed

I am I, there’s nothing I need, Only that which I borrowed can be taken or bleed

I am I, there’s nothing I fear, And I feel perfect peace, for nothing is near

I am I, I began somewhere in time, And I am the only thing that I can call mine

I am I, there’s nothing I see, And all that I feel, is the presence of me



5 Responses so far.

  1. Thank you for this I bought all your books I hope you continue to make them . You have really helped me see much clearer and I love you ❤️ We are all spiritual beings living in this human reality to learn the lesson of love .

    • Thank you Jennay for your very kind words. I am always writing new articles and at the moment I am in the process of writing my next book entitled: The Book of Life, which will be my most amazing writing so far. Thank you for your interest and for being the beautiful, loving, precious soul that you are. Love and blessings, William