Reincarnated Love

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Reincarnated Love

Drifting as if from some ancient time

My senses becoming aware

There was no light or dark or sound

No sense of movement or brush of air


If there was a past the gate was sealed

And no future was in sight

It was then I crossed the barrier

To the place of dark and light


An endless stretch of sparkling jewels

Were strewn across my way

And each were made of countless stars

Where souls would come to play


I drifted on through this wondrous place

As if guided by an unseen hand

Have I journeyed to this cosmic shore

To find one grain of sand?


At last I saw my journeys end

I knew this place was right

The bluest jewel and brightest pearl

Bathed in brilliant light


Another barrier lay ahead

For which I had the key

Where soul and body are joined as one

And a mother waits for me


I’ll lay and wait in that warm place

Until my time of birth

Then with this gift I bring with me

Spread love upon the earth


ReincarnatedLove©HW Hodgetts 2006 All right reserved

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