The First Day
The Awakening
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
In the beginning the Self created its virgin mind.
This was not an intentional act of creation, but rather the virgin mind came into being because of the presence of the Self and its vibrational effect on the space outside of it.
Notice that there is one heaven and one earth, and they are not written with capital letters. Notice also that Heaven was not made until the second day, and Earth was not made until the third day where both are written with capital letters.
It can be seen that in the beginning the Self created the virgin mind which contained the substance from which Heaven and Earth would be made, but at this point the virgin mind was undivided.
To create is to bring into existence.
Heaven is a metaphor for the conscious mind.
Earth is a metaphor for the subconscious mind.
At this point the Self is unaware of its virgin mind or that it has created it.
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters
Let’s break this up and interpret each part separately.
‘And the earth was without form and void’
And the earth (subconscious mind) was without form, because it had not yet been separated and made different to the virgin mind, and so the space that it would eventually occupy remained empty of stored knowledge.
‘and darkness was upon the face of the deep’
And darkness was upon the face of the virgin mind
‘And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters’
And the Self’s desire moved on the face of the virgin mind and in doing so, the Self became aware of the existence of something different to, and outside of itself. It was in that moment that the Self became aware of its own existence as a single, separate, aware entity. Awareness is feeling and feeling is knowing. The Self had felt the existence of something that was not the Self, and in doing so it had realized the feeling of its own existence, but it was knowledge without understanding.
‘the face of the waters’
Imagine being in a very dark room, that darkness is seen wherever you look, and where your eyes touch that darkness is its face, and its depth cannot be comprehended.
The waters is a reference to the substance of mind which is fluidic in its nature, and in the beginning it was like a great ocean.
Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And the Self said, Let there be the light of understanding, and there was the light of understanding.
Here the Self’s voice is projected into the virgin mind as an expression of the Self’s desire. When the voice comes from a pure heart it is referred to as the Word with a capital letter. The Word is the voice of the Self’s righteous desire.
When we speak we project vibrations that are carried through the air. Likewise the Self’s Spiritual voice is projected into the mind in the form of focused vibrations emanating from the Self’s desire.
The word Let is an expression of desire that is so forceful that it becomes a command, i.e. an act of willpower. The strength of will is dependent on the strength of desire.
Awareness is feeling. Consciousness is seeing, and what is seen is dependent on the level of light that forms the images.
In scriptures darkness is a reference to ignorance. Light is a reference to understanding. Those who possess knowledge but do not understand it are referred to as the blind. Those who live in the darkness are referred to as the dead. Those who possess the light of understanding are referred to as the living. The light is referred to as the life.
In the beginning the Self became aware of its existence. In the light it understood what it was, and its life journey began.
Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
‘And God saw the light’
And the Self saw the light.
Awareness is feeling, Consciousness is seeing, and what is seen are images of what is felt. All images are formed from light and it is because of the light that the Self understands what it feels. Light replaces darkness, understanding replaces ignorance. How clear the images are is dependent on the Self’s focus of attention. Seek and you will find means focus your attention and you will understand.
To hear the voice of desire is to feel its influence, it is likened to the wind. It is only when we see and understand where the wind has come from and where it is going, that we are able to act righteously.
‘that it was good’
The desire was fulfilled through the light of righteous understanding and pleasure was felt.
‘and God divided the light from the darkness’
And the Self divided understanding from ignorance. Out of darkness had come light.
Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
The evening, Night, morning and Day are references to the 4 stages of a full cycle of the Sun, i.e. desire.
Without the warmth and light of the Sun there would be no life.
The Sun is an ancient symbol for desire.
In ancient Sumeria there was the Sun God, Utu Shamash. In ancient Egypt there was Ra. In Judaism and Christianity there is the Father. They are all symbols that represent the Sun/desire.
The Wheel of Life:
The Sun symbol is a metaphor for the Self’s desire.
Without desire the Self would do nothing and would remain inactive in a state of complete rest. Desire is the mover, the creator, the giver of life.
A cycle of the Sun represents a cycle of a single desire and each cycle represents a single revolution of the Wheel of Life. When one desire is fulfilled another one begins, and so the wheel of life keeps turning.
Let us take a look at each of the 4 stages of the cycle of a desire:
The evening and Night are related to feeling – Awareness.
The morning and Day are related to seeing – Consciousness.
In the evening the warmth and light of desire is low and fading – Apathy.
In the Night there is no warmth or light of desire – Ignorance.
In the morning the warmth and light of desire begin increasing – Curiosity i.e. seeking understanding.
In the Day there is the full warmth and light of pleasure and understanding; the desire is fulfilled and ended.
You may have noticed that in the first part of the verse, Day begins with a capital letter even though it is not at the beginning of a sentence, and in the second part of the verse, day begins with a lower case letter. This is because Day is more important than day and they represent two different things.
day represents the first three parts of a cycle of desire and Day represents the fourth part and completion of that cycle. So desire is fulfilled with the full warmth and light of desire.
day Day
evening – Night – morning Day
1 2 3 4
The meaning of life is to pursue and experience pleasure. The greatest pleasure and the fullness of a true life is experienced through the light of understanding the Truth, and the warmth of the pleasure of righteous, unconditional Love.
Love is the meaning of life, without it even Truth has no value.
And so the first day of every soul’s life journey begins with the innocent pursuit of understanding and Love, and it ends with its fulfilment and the conquest of darkness.
Thank you William, this was very informative: Just confirming my understanding, In Genesis 1;27, the creative being referred to, per King James is “Lord God” (male/female) before form was put on, and this is the being that we are and after being put in a deep sleep, we forgot who we were. and after being led by the ego to live out from senses.
Ms. Dana – he didn’t. Adam and Eve aren’t gender based. They represent the conscious and subconscious. Left and right side of the same brain/mind. It all happens within us. It’s the most brilliant story ever written.
PS. If I’m wrong let me know and I’ll get back to the drawing board. But I think I’m finally getting it. If not, then just let me be. Because the heartbreak of failure is too much for me right now. Haha
I’m almost done with your first book Mr. William and it’s brilliant. Good job!
If spirits have no gender, why did God create Adam and Eve ? Why is is the earth flat according to scripture?
Makes real sense William and is a full body of truth breaking open the bread of life. I didn’t realize just how hungry I was until you served this spiritual meal for me.