Letting Go

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Letting Go

The world is full of people who seek to impose their will on others. It is because they have no power within themselves, that they seek power from outside themselves by controlling the lives of others. In this we see the signs of spiritual blindness, insecurity, fear, a lack of Love, and heightened selfishness that has no regard or remorse for the hurt that is caused to others.

Our leaders are not leaders, they are control freaks, as is evident by their intrusion and surveillance into our lives. We are not governed by servants of the people who care for us, we are governed by tyrants who only care for themselves. It is now not enough that they make laws with the power given by the people, because now they are taking power awarded by themselves, in the absence of the people’s permission.

The people have been made weak and subservient, they are divided and conquered, and they realise that the individual is powerless to change the world, yet each of us must share the responsibility for the way things are, for in silence, we give permission.

There is no doubt that we are each responsible for each other, but we cannot take up that responsibility until we accept responsibility for our own lives. To do that we must become free of the will of others, free from the guilt and fear of rejection that binds us. We know the way so let us not surrender Truth for lies, Light for darkness, and our will for theirs.

We are the hope of the world and the only hope for the children. Today we will take back the life that is ours alone. It is time to go within, to truly know ourselves, to tear down the veil and finally see our path home.

An awakened soul and friend said to me recently, ‘life is a game’. Well it is, but it is not our game and not one for which we have written the rules, for they were in force when we came into the world. It is not a game that a loving soul can win, or even cares to play and we don’t have to.

Now for the first step towards freedom, self realisation, home and enlightenment.

Sit down in a quiet place and close your eyes and say in your mind:

‘You can bring all the thoughts that you want to in front of me, I’m not bothered, I really don’t care’  


‘for the next 5 minutes I give permission to any thoughts that wish to enter my mind to do so, I will not resist, the stage is all yours.’

Practice this, it is taking back control of your mind and your will, it is experiencing peace in the place that you exist.

When you have become proficient at finding peace, it will be time for the affirmations that will lead you to perfect self realization. Take them one at a time until the Truth of each is realized and resounds within ‘the self’.

I am still

I am at peace

I am safe

I am free

I am spirit

One Response so far.

  1. I became still, when I finally realized I had enough of struggling to keep my physical life going in the direction of agenda. And I no longer wanted to complete with others. Whether by defending opinions, or avoiding confrontation, or getting something for myself. I ended the pursuit and struggle for temporary happiness and false peace in the world.

    When I ended struggle and competition and laid my life down into loves hands and guidance. I found real peace. I no longer had to think, struggle, or pursue. Love told me what to do.

    Letting go of my physical life, and just following loves guidance to fulfill responsibility. And no longer focusing on personal pleasure of experiencing the senses. Brought me to experiencing only my self. Which subsided all other effects, and feelings. And realizing that I am unaffected and I don’t need anything, not want anything, and in this state of being unaffected, I am safe from words, people, or stress.

    And because I am separate and safe, I am free.

    And all that I experience now is myself. Alone, still, at peace, free, and in the spirit.