Twisted Scriptures
When my enlightenment happened it changed my life in ways that I could never have imagined. It left me with a great gift, one that I could have used to become wealthy and powerful, loved and worshipped as a returning Saviour. I could have just stayed silent and lived out the rest of my life experiencing the beauty, peace and inner pleasure of perfect love that had come from enlightenment. Or I could share with the world the Truth that I had discovered. This is what I choose to do regardless of what I will have to endure.
It is not my intent to lay waste to religious scriptures of any religious organization. It is my intent to reveal the true meanings of what those scriptures were meant to convey. It is also my intent to expose those who have twisted the meanings of the scriptures to deceive so many, and to deny them the Truth that would have saved them.
It was only after my enlightenment that my curiosity turned to religion. It took me to Sumeria, Egypt, Babylon, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and many other places. What I found was Soul Science, the knowledge of the Spiritual Self. It was hidden in metaphors, allegories, and symbols so that any attempt to interpret them literally would deny access to the hidden knowledge. The same applied to Gnostic teachings in which some verses were deliberately damaged, because they revealed important keys to understanding. Everything that I found only served to confirm what I already knew.
The Truth about Religion
I used to think that religion was made up history mixed with fantasy, magic and all powerful physical beings that ruled over mankind, beings to be worshipped and feared. I wondered how it was possible for apparently intelligent people to believe in such things, especially without personal proof of them. When I read some of the religious scriptures literally and their claims, things appeared even more troubling, because to accept them would require discarding all logic and reasoning. It would also require the ignoring of obvious contradictions and a rejection of proven science.
I began to wonder how religions had managed to preserve their writings for thousands of years without being completely discredited. What was I missing if anything?
I recalled a quote from Sherlock Holmes which said: ‘When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth’.
There is no doubt that people are expected by religious teachers to interpret the scriptures literally. That what is written relates to physical/material things, and that they are about historical events in the world. Yet much of what is written is impossible. This leaves only two conclusions: either what is written is a complete made up lie, or those teaching the scriptures do not understand their meanings and they have completely misinterpreted them. When interpreted correctly the scriptures are found to be flawless and full of Truth.
The Cult that high-jacked the name Christianity is collapsing, because people can no longer be fooled by their deceptions. They understood nothing of the mysteries. Those that did were killed in order to protect the wealth and power of the cult leaders, who had no comprehension of spiritual things. They could only interpret the scriptures literally. They no not what they have done, nor do they care, because they are spiritually blind, deaf and dead. This is my declaration of war on those souls whose father is the devil, the evil heart.
The Purpose of Religion
Religious texts were never created to preserve knowledge of the world, or to teach about worldly things. They were created to preserve knowledge of spiritual things, knowledge of the Self and the mind, and as a guide for the Self on its life journey.
Genesis is about the beginning of a life journey and Revelation is about its end. Everything in between is a guide to the Self’s spiritual evolution to enlightenment. All true religions show the way to enlightenment and the fully empowered Self; empowered by Love, Truth and Understanding.
The Most Powerful Knowledge
What do you think is the most powerful knowledge that a person can possess? If you could suddenly be endowed with all the knowledge of the world and worldly things, OR all the knowledge of the Self and mind, what would you choose? What do you think was the most important knowledge to wise men of old?
Religion began with the study of the Self and mind, and with this came an understanding of behaviour and its reason. To know and understand the Self is to know and understand everyone else.
Religion began with the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context. We refer to that body of knowledge as psychology. It was soon realized that such knowledge was too powerful to share with the public. So it was preserved in symbols and metaphors. It was revealed only to strong leaders who had previously dominated and controlled the people with the force of physical violence. Now they had a new weapon of control; psychology. It is still used today by those who rule the lives of others, to control their minds and therefore their desires and actions. When people speak of the Elite they are referring to super psychologists.
Weaponized psychology is everywhere, and we have all become victims of it. It is like an invisible force, not seen but felt. The knowledge was supposed to empower people, to set them free but it has been hidden and weaponized. Instead of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, people have been given the gospel of the kingdom of hell. But that will change with another new and final testament.
They have taken something beautiful and covered it with corruption, and they have taken something corrupt and covered it with beauty. It is time to lift the veil.
I have a lot of interpreting to do, and on my table now I have Revelations which in progress. The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary and Genesis are already completed and published. What I give is given freely. I ask for nothing, and I am open to any questions or enquiries. We are all blessed to be living in these days of revelation, when Love and Truth are given a voice.
My books:
The Gospel of Thomas Fully Interpreted – The SECRET teachings hidden beneath the veil
In this my second Edition of the Gospel of Thomas Fully Interpreted I have gone deeper interpretation to reveal the hidden meanings.
Genesis the Beginning – The Secret Teachings
The First 96 Verses Fully Interpreted. Something amazing has happened in the world, something so incredible and unexpected that it will shake the very foundations of the collective consciousness, and the world will change in ways that were never thought possible.
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene Fully Interpreted
I have seen what is hidden, and it was never about the physical or material world. It was about the world within and the soul; it was about spiritual things and the real you inside.
The Gospel of Mary Fully Interpreted 2nd edition of Chapter 8.
The Prayer of Paul Interpreted
great work.